When I planned this 2010 Quilt Challenge... I knew I wouldn’t be able to buy more fabric for quite sometime. I needed to utilize the supplies that already filled my sewing cabinet. This challenged me to select colors from what I had and made me realize that I did have great colors.
Browns, Yellows, Oranges
Those organized shelves of fabrics really did inspire me to try to stay true to my quilting goals for this challenge. The one thing I did need to buy was batting for finishing the quilts.
I do believe that most quilters already have an abundance of fabric and sewing supplies. So then what should we do with it all?
I do believe that most quilters already have an abundance of fabric and sewing supplies. So then what should we do with it all?
We could start by…
donating books to libraries or charitable causes
when no longer needed,
playing with our fabrics.. to try out more new techniques,
sharing our resources with new quilters or participating in a local quilt guild,
simply loving the inspiration those beautiful fabrics provide,
and stop feeling guilty!
It is my personal intent… to use those books that have previously just decorated my bookshelves and that fabric that looks so pretty in my cabinet; to use more of it and allow it to become…
Beautiful Quilts
What About This…
Have you ever read about or heard someone saying that you should “save for a rainy day”? Or, grown up with the idea that we need to save and store up supplies for that day when we may not have the resources or ability to buy more?
This may be fine for you, but it seems to me… that for the most part, it ends up being “stuff” we are constantly trying to keep organized, with little success.
And then, recently, I was at a huge personal fabric sale from a long time quilter that had recently passed on. No, I had never meet her or even knew her quilting style, but my guess was... that she had loved fabric!
Yes, it was indeed a great place to check out quality fabrics at low prices! And this time, I was able to buy some pieces… and will look forward to adding them into upcoming projects! I chose mostly lights and darks so I have fabrics for those background colors I didn't have in my cabinet.
My new fabrics from that sale!
As I know that each of our life’s journeys is unique, it still makes me curious about… I still wondered what she would think now of all that fabric that she wasn’t able to utilize? Would she have done things differently, if she had known the outcome?
It really does become apparent to me that there will be many times when our attempts to follow through on chosen projects will be challenged. So... my recommendation would be to seriously consider what you'll do with those great fabrics you have, this year!
Some Things to Ponder…
When we understand and have the belief that we create our own reality by our thoughts, we really can reshape our own existence to live a more joyful and happy life.
Those beautiful fabrics and books we own, hopefully, will inspire and teach us how to become more creative and expressive. Instead of excuses of “I can’t”, or “I don’t have time”, or “I don’t have enough” or “I don’t have money to create from what I have”, etc. you can turn those around, by affirming:
“I do have enough and whatever I require will always
show up in my life, right on time.”
In my own challenge so far, this year; I have learned to stretch my abilities to... use colors together that actually work from my supply, tried new techniques, and continue to focus on creating projects that I can share on this blog.
So why not find your own purpose and discover that you do have the ability within… to move ahead.
Cross that Bridge Today!
My twelvth project will be shared next week...
Advancing On II with the
Square in a Square Technique/
Jodi Barrows
More Book Titles...
If you wish to see more quilting books you can also check out my website for more details. Also, to check out the books that will be featured this summer.
Enjoy your summer… and continue being creative in making time to create beautiful stitches !!
Some good thoughts on fabric buying, saving and using. Most of my fabric has been in storage for a few years. It will be interesting to see how it looks when I open the boxes in about two months. Will it be like Christmas morning? Or will I wonder why I bought them in the first place? We'll see. I wonder what the future holds for my fabrics. Great quilts? Cheap finds at a yard sale? Maybe some of both. At least I don't suffer from the guild that you mentioned. I really enjoy my fabrics. I don't save them for a rainy day, or for a more important project. We'll move into our new house soon and I'll have a nice big room for quilting. Yayyy!
Your blog is an inspiration.
Oops, I meant "guilt," not "guild." I guess my fingers are more used to typing guild than guilt. That just proves my point. :)
I love looking inside your fabric cupboard, but that's as far as it goes for me and sewing!
For me it's about whether I should replace the old curtains or just leave them there until another time! Am I tired enough of them? Or should I just change the color of the whole room?.. oops, that means more painting.. haha! Have a great week!
However.. we enjoy color and fabric, the best part is to enjoy the creative process. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I quit buying fabric in 2001. Have made a ton of quilts. and it hardly seems to have gone down at all. What WAS I thinking? And my stash is small compared to many. I have a friend with more Christmas material than I have in my whole stash.
Fortunately I still love everything I bought.
Keep up the good work!
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