ADVANCING ON II with the SQUARE IN A SQUARE technique / Jodi Barrows
This is a workbook for the Square in a Square technique system for Options #1-17. It replaced the original “Advancing On” book.
I had seen this technique demonstrated on TV many years ago, and thought… this is something I want to learn. However, as time passed, many other things and quilting techniques distracted me.
So, when I was looking through my own quilting books, realizing that I was soon to run out of books I hadn’t tried yet... I picked this one up. I decided it was time to try it…
So, when I was looking through my own quilting books, realizing that I was soon to run out of books I hadn’t tried yet... I picked this one up. I decided it was time to try it…
Time to reveal my next project... I choose: “In the Garden with Tumbling Blocks” on page 69. It is labelled at an intermediate skill level project.
As I considered what I could make, this project felt like the best option… as I knew, I wouldn’t be able to try all 17 options this time; but if I tried just a few, I’d see how FUN this was!!
The project was for making a 48” x 55” sized quilt. It was going to have to be downsized for my challenge. So, as I turned the page, there was my answer that I needed… a tumbling block chart and diagram showing 12 blocks. Perfect size!!
So, I was going to finally:
1.) get the opportunity to use that special ruler and try out two of the options (#1, #3) in this project!
2.) do it by making a true tumbling blocks quilt. Some, say it is a difficult block to make!
Take a look… let me show you how easy it is to make when using the SQUARE IN A SQUARE technique.
Well, you know… there is ALWAYS something that seems difficult when trying out new techniques! Choosing your colors for a new project could be one of them, right? But, wait… To even make this simple, just pick a LIGHT, MEDIUM, and DARK fabric.
OKAY, ready!!… here are my fabric choices:
LIGHT: selvage block--MEDIUM: yellow--DARK: black
After I had made my center blocks (using selvages), I was ready to construct the required blocks. I also needed to make sure my words would face in the proper direction.
First, two (yellow) pieces are sewn to opposite sides of the light color block (selvage block). Next, two (black) pieces are sewn to the two remaining sides of the center block.
Then, using the Square in a Square ruler, each corner is cut to produce the finished block, below.
After the individual blocks were constructed; they were sewn into rows of four blocks each. Shown below are two rows ready to be stitched together to make the 12 block square.
Close-ups… of the tumbling blocks. (Front & Back)
To complete the quilt…
I considered many options for finishing this 12-block piece. One goal I did have was to make something that didn’t end up square. To accomplish this, I cut off a piece of the bottom row and then added a white border. Now, what?
Here is one of the layouts, that was considered. I’d add a black border, all around; and a yellow/black strip on each side.
But… it didn’t seem very exciting, at this point. With the center of the block done with selvages, it seemed to need more.
So… I added more color to the sides!
The decorative strips on each side were made from fabrics used in the tumbling blocks. I continued adding pieces until I had the desired length. I even added pieces of the selvage block cut from the 12-block square. For more, I added mock piping, as shown below.
Now, that looked more like it!! I think I’ll stop there. As one can see, quilting is a very creative art. And, fun it was!!
If you find some blocks difficult to make, it may be time to try the Square in a Square technique and see if you agree with me!!
These tumbling blocks just “fell together” easily. Thanks Jodi for such a great way to construct quilt blocks!!
My Finished Quilt
(Finished size: 18” x 33”)
During the making of this quilt, I thought it would be fun to give all the Options in the book, a try. In my opinion, that would be a great project for a sampler quilt. Also, check out Jodi’s website for more options, videos, and other fun stuff.
So, it worked out that I got to do tumbling blocks, after all, using a new twist! And, that is why quilters have so much fun with fabric!!
Why not start today… and unlock your own potential to begin producing wonderful discoveries of your own?
To create the selvage block centers, I’ve posted an entry on my other blog, entitled: “Look, No Pins”. Otherwise this entry may never have ended…
Thanks for reading…