Sunday, May 9, 2010

Paper Piecing... another way!

Paper pieced designs are complex. And to get those perfect corners this technique allows them to be stitched with perfection. Or, so it should...

Do you love to do paper piecing?
Or... do you hate it?

I took a class to try paper piecing when I first started quilting. I wished to see what quilting techniques would intrigue me. Would this be one of them?

Five Paper-Pieced Hearts
This little quilt is loved and today hangs in my sister's house.

However, as I did not enjoy this technique enough to embrace it... I was determined to never try it again!! So when one comes across those beautiful blocks in quilt designs, what should we do with them?

A few years ago, I came across this technique again. There was a block that I had included in a quilt design and figured I could do it in paper piecing, as there were only four corner blocks to make. I did try one, but seriously... to do it four times, not possible, I said! I found it was still just as frustrating to do, as it was the first time.

So, that time, I did it my way! I got the design to turn out perfectly using my own method... and no one would ever know that it wasn't paper pieced.

When one cannot create something like it was intended, then one discovers another way... so it becomes possible to still do it.

Not everyone is as challenged by the same techniques, so when you hear words, such as, "I'll be easy...!" you still can give it a try, even though you don't believe those words. As with quilting, it should always be up to us whether we continue with a new technique or not. I believe that is why we have such a wide range of techniques to create beautiful quilts. Our GOAL should always be to have fun in whatever ways - fit us best!!


The Method:
1.) Print out the paper pieced pattern. (regular paper will do)
2.) Cut it out on the lines.
3.) Use these pieces as your paper templates*. (see link below)
4.) Cut out the fabric with seam allowances automatically added. (using rotary cutting tools)
5.) Then follow the numbering on the pattern pieces to assemble the block.
6.) Press each seam before adding another piece.
7.) And with this process that difficult block is completed!**

More Details:
1.) See this entry for more information on using paper templates.*
2.) Next week's entry will have photos of this process.**

It is not my intent to ever take paper piecing seriously, so when I do come to a quilt that uses this technique, I decide how to proceed. I still take the view that quilting should be fun. Sometimes the learning curve is too difficult to overcome.... but sometimes, it just needs a change in attitude, that changes that too difficult technique into one that is enjoyable. So, you decide, love it or don't do it!! 


My ninth project will be shared next week...

Four Seasons of Quilts/
Cori Derksen & Myra Harder

Enjoy your quilting adventure for... 2010!!


Diane H said...

Thanks for this, Darlee.
I love the look of some paper piecing, have the pattern books, have played with it but would not put the time and effort into a large project.
Really like your idea and would give it a try.
Looking forward to next weeks entry.

Flora said...

Yes, this is a cute little quilt! At the present time it is hanging in a corner. It may be time to come back into the open! Of course I didn't realize it was that complicated to make. That's coming from someone who has no idea about quilting. Keep up the great job you do with these projects!

Darlee said...

Quilting offers the creator a wide range of opportunity. I love the ability to think outside the box when it comes to techniques that challenge one's own style! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.